Firmware update

YKUSH3 firmware update

YKUSH3 hardware supports several interfaces and other features that were not supported from inception by the firmware. New firmware releases add incremental support to the hardware capabilities. Additionally, new firmware releases bring improvements to already supported features.

If you want to use new features that were not yet supported by the firmware version on your board, you can update your board’s firmware. To update it you’ll need to:

  • Download the .hex file with the latest firmware version.
  • Get the firmware upload tool.
  • Follow the procedure, described further on, to upload the new firmware into your board.

Download the latest firmware version

Use the firmware download page to get the latest version of the YKUSH3 firmware.

Get the firmware upload tool

Binaries for Linux

If using Linux, download the firmware update tool for Linux

Extract the files for the downloaded archive and run the HIDBootloader binary to run the tool.

Binaries for Windows

If using Windows, download the firmware update tool for Windows

Extract the files from the downloaded archive and run the ykush3_firmware_update.bat script to run the tool.

Build from source

You can also build the tool from source by getting the firmware upload tool source code

Extract the zip file and enter the package folder. In the root package folder run make to build the project. Note that you will need the Qt5 toolkit to be installed in your system to build the application.

Firmware upload procedure

Now that you have what is needed, follow the steps bellow to update the board’s firmware.

  1. Connect the YKUSH3 board to the computer.
  2. Set the board into bootloader by issuing the following command: ykushcmd ykush3 --boot
  3. Open the firmware upload tool and load the .hex file.
  4. Program the loaded firmware.
  5. When the programming in complete reset the board, by clicking int the tool reset button or by detaching and re-attaching the board to the computer.

At this point you should have the board working with the new firmware. To check version of the firmware now loaded into your board, run the following command.

ykushcmd ykush3 --firmware-version

Additional resources